Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Critical investigation learner response

1) In my first draft I achieved a level 2-

WWW- The introduction is very promising and raises a brilliant question, but you then don't go on to discuss it.

EBI -No where near enough research/ footnotes. This will keep you below level 3
- There is a lack of depth to you analysis and you repeat many points
- You need to find some quality research and build 2/3 paragraphs around theory/ discuss what others are saying.
- The textual analysis describes scenes to me, it doesn't analysis.
- Most importantly, you must discuss the impact on society.

2) In my second draft i am aiming for a low level 3 because i think if i make all the improvements which i have been told to, i should achieve a low level 3.

3) The five things which i will change in my second draft will be:
- Write 2 paragraphs on theory and people views. So i can add the audience and gender theory as it will allow me to link it to my production.
- Make sure that i am analysing not describing the scenes. I will have to make sure i am explaining the impact of the scene.
- Add 1 paragraph about the impact on society.
- Carry out much more detailed research, find some very good quotes which fit with my critical investigation. Add at-least 10 more quotes to the essay so that i can move up a level.
- Make sure i am not wasting words by repeating myself, so i will have to proof read the essay like a few times to make sure i am not repeating myself.

4) Wish list:
From the BFI trip i want to gain some good detailed research and some quotes which i can put into my essay.
I want to gain some knowledge on some new theories which i can fit in my essay.
Finally, i want to get at-least one quote out of 3 books, which will help me improve my level in my second draft.

Masculinity in the Contemporary Romantic Comedy: Gender as Genre
Buffoon Men


Thursday, 23 January 2014

Schedule for linked production

Shooting dates:

  • 27th Monday - Planning.
     - Shot list
     - Script 
  • 3rd February - Office trailer- in school 
  • 10th February - Football trailer- out of school
  • 20th and 21st February - Construction trailer- find a construction site
  • Week of the 24th of February - Kitchen/Male trailer- kitchen 

  • First week of March - Editing/Post-production.- on going 

Monday, 20 January 2014

Linked production ideas

My critical investigation was on male characters in comedy films and how immature they are represented. For my linked production i will be working with Nadeem and we have thought that we will be producing 30-40 sec adverts on a domistic cleaning product. We will be creating 4 different adverts. The way it would link with my production is through the use of male characters in the adverts. We are not going to have females as our characters but we are going to have males characters as it well sterotype men. This will be the link between my critical investigation and my coursework.